The most commonly employed type of intervention is called the Johnson Model, named after the therapist, Vernon Johnson, who pioneered the technique. Planning an intervention can be a daunting task and it’s one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Compile a list of all prescribed medications the alcoholic is presently using.


The good news is that no matter how severe the problem may seem, most people with AUD can benefit from some form of treatment. Alcohol-related problems—which result from drinking too much, too fast, or too often—are among the most significant public health issues in the United States. The person may lash out defensively, verbally, or physically. They may try to harm themselves or others during or after the intervention. They may also shut down completely, crying, screaming, or otherwise attempting to zone out the attempt to help them.

Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help

Part of why are so appealing, and also so unlikely to be effective, is that they offer the dream of a simple solution to an incredibly complex situation. You may not be able to persuade your loved one into treatment. In fact, trying to do so may actually make both their addiction and your relationship with them worse. One unfortunate result of an intervention can be a rift in family support that might otherwise provide long-term encouragement for recovery. Rather than targeting the person with the substance use disorder, this evidence-based method aims to work with the concerned significant others so that they can assist the identified patients . Make sure that you each clearly outline what will happen if your loved one does not comply with treatment. This can be the hardest part, and that’s why it’s so important to prepare for various outcomes ahead of time.

addict or alcoholic

When a group opts to work with a how to do an intervention for an alcoholic or alcohol intervention specialist, they usually do so in the early stages of planning. The sooner the group works with an addiction intervention specialist, the better prepared they are. The specialist can not only help during preparation, they’re also trained to be more persuasive to an addicted person. The family intervention model is based on the concept of the entire family’s well-being, mental and physical.

An intervention is not about how to control the substance user; it is about how to let go of believing you can.

Schedule the time, date, and location for the intervention. Drugs will inherently impair their thought process, critical thinking, and memory. Sign up to get info about the science behind addiction, the latest trends in addiction treatment, inspirational recovery stories, and much more.

What is an intervention checklist?

The intervention checklist is a guide for preparing an intervention to get a person into appropriate treatment. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the book Love First or a professional interventionist. Don't plan an intervention using the checklist alone.

They typically showed that family members chose not to follow through on confronting their loved one. Another benefit is that intervention allows the family members and friends to find the chance to heal. Once you’ve rehearsed what you’ll say, the next step is to choose the meeting time and location. You want the addict to feel like they’re going to a place that isn’t threatening, and it’s best to try to find a time when they’ll be sober. Regarding length, most interventions last around an hour, but that’s up to the people holding it. You may not even realize just how emotional and even combative an intervention can be, which is why it’s so important to be prepared and work with a professional if possible.

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